Tetrapod Project
math_utils Namespace Reference


double degToRad (const double &_deg)
 The degToRad function converts degrees to radians. More...
double radToDeg (const double &_rad)
 The radToDeg function converts radians to degrees. More...
double wrapAngleToPi (const double &_rad)
 The wrapAngleToPi function wraps an input angle to the interval [-pi, pi). More...
double wrapAngleTo2Pi (const double &_rad)
 The wrapAngleTo2Pi function wraps an input angle to the interval [0, 2pi). More...
double angleDiff (const double &_ang1, const double &_ang2)
 The angleDiff function returns the difference in angle between two given angles in the interval [0, pi) More...
template<typename Matrix_TypeA , typename Matrix_TypeB >
static bool dampedPseudoInverse (const Matrix_TypeA &_J, Matrix_TypeB &_dPinvJ, const double _lambda=0, const double _epsilon=std::numeric_limits< typename Matrix_TypeA::Scalar >::epsilon())
 The dampedPseudoInverse function calculates the damped pseudo-inverse of a matrix using SVD. More...
template<typename Matrix_TypeA , typename Matrix_TypeB >
static bool nullSpaceProjector (const Matrix_TypeA &_A, Matrix_TypeB &_N, const double _alpha=1)
 The nullSpaceProjector function calculates the null-space projector of a given matrix. The null-space projector is calculated using the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse (N = I - alpha * pinvA * A). More...
template<typename Matrix_TypeA >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Matrix_TypeA::Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > SVDNullSpaceProjector (const Matrix_TypeA &_A)
 The SVDNullSpaceProjector function calculates the null-space projector of a given matrix. The null-space projector is calculated using the singular-value decomposition (SVD). The null-space. More...
template<typename Vector_TypeA , typename Vector_TypeB >
Eigen::Matrix< typename Vector_TypeA::Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > boxMinus (const Vector_TypeA &_a, const Vector_TypeB &_b)
 The boxMinus function calculates the box-minus operation between two vectors of equal size. More...


static constexpr double TWO_PI = boost::math::constants::two_pi<double>()
 Define 2PI. More...
static constexpr double FOUR_THIRDS_PI = boost::math::constants::four_thirds_pi<double>()
 Define 4PI/3. More...
static constexpr double PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()
 Define PI. More...
static constexpr double THREE_QUARTERS_PI = boost::math::constants::three_quarters_pi<double>()
 Define 3PI/4. More...
static constexpr double TWO_THIRDS_PI = boost::math::constants::two_thirds_pi<double>()
 Define 2PI/3. More...
static constexpr double HALF_PI = boost::math::constants::half_pi<double>()
 Define PI/2. More...
static constexpr double THIRD_PI = boost::math::constants::third_pi<double>()
 Define PI/3. More...
static constexpr double SIXTH_PI = boost::math::constants::sixth_pi<double>()
 Define PI/6. More...
static constexpr double ONE_DIV_TWO_PI = boost::math::constants::one_div_two_pi<double>()
 Define 1/2PI. More...
static constexpr double INF = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
 Define infinity. More...

Function Documentation

◆ degToRad()

double math_utils::degToRad ( const double &  _deg)

The degToRad function converts degrees to radians.

[in]_degAngle in degrees.
Angle in radians.

Definition at line 33 of file angle_utils.cpp.

◆ radToDeg()

double math_utils::radToDeg ( const double &  _rad)

The radToDeg function converts radians to degrees.

[in]_radAngle in radians.
Angle in degrees.

Definition at line 39 of file angle_utils.cpp.

◆ wrapAngleToPi()

double math_utils::wrapAngleToPi ( const double &  _rad)

The wrapAngleToPi function wraps an input angle to the interval [-pi, pi).

[in]_radAngle in radians.
Angle in radians in the interval [-pi,pi)

Definition at line 45 of file angle_utils.cpp.

◆ wrapAngleTo2Pi()

double math_utils::wrapAngleTo2Pi ( const double &  _rad)

The wrapAngleTo2Pi function wraps an input angle to the interval [0, 2pi).

[in]_radAngle in radians.
Angle in radians in the interval [0, 2pi).

Definition at line 59 of file angle_utils.cpp.

◆ angleDiff()

double math_utils::angleDiff ( const double &  _ang1,
const double &  _ang2 

The angleDiff function returns the difference in angle between two given angles in the interval [0, pi)

[in]_ang1First angle in radians
[in]_ang2Second angle in radians
Angle difference from _ang1 relative _ang2

Definition at line 72 of file angle_utils.cpp.

◆ dampedPseudoInverse()

template<typename Matrix_TypeA , typename Matrix_TypeB >
static bool math_utils::dampedPseudoInverse ( const Matrix_TypeA &  _J,
Matrix_TypeB &  _dPinvJ,
const double  _lambda = 0,
const double  _epsilon = std::numeric_limits<typename Matrix_TypeA::Scalar>::epsilon() 

The dampedPseudoInverse function calculates the damped pseudo-inverse of a matrix using SVD.

[in]_JInput Matrix.
[out]_dPinvJOutput Matrix (damped pseudo-inverse of the input matrix).
[in]_lambdaDamping factor. Defaults to zero, i.e. the moore-penrose pseudo-inverse.
[in]_epsilonNumerical precision (singular value threshold).
Returns true if the damped pseudo-inverse is calculated successfully.

Definition at line 50 of file linalg_utils.h.

◆ nullSpaceProjector()

template<typename Matrix_TypeA , typename Matrix_TypeB >
static bool math_utils::nullSpaceProjector ( const Matrix_TypeA &  _A,
Matrix_TypeB &  _N,
const double  _alpha = 1 

The nullSpaceProjector function calculates the null-space projector of a given matrix. The null-space projector is calculated using the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse (N = I - alpha * pinvA * A).

[in]_AInput matrix A.
[out]_NOutput matrix N (null-space projector of the input matrix).
[in]_alphaScalar parameter between 0 and 1 used to regulate the priority between two tasks (if used in a hierarchical control approach).
Returns true if a null-space projector is calculated successfully.

Definition at line 104 of file linalg_utils.h.

◆ SVDNullSpaceProjector()

template<typename Matrix_TypeA >
Eigen::Matrix<typename Matrix_TypeA::Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> math_utils::SVDNullSpaceProjector ( const Matrix_TypeA &  _A)

The SVDNullSpaceProjector function calculates the null-space projector of a given matrix. The null-space projector is calculated using the singular-value decomposition (SVD). The null-space.

projector is found as N(_A) = V_N^*, where the SVD comprises:

A = [U_R, U_N][S, 0;[V_R^*;

0, 0] V_N^*]

[in]_AInput matrix A.
Returns the SVD null-space projector of the input matrix _A.

Definition at line 144 of file linalg_utils.h.

◆ boxMinus()

template<typename Vector_TypeA , typename Vector_TypeB >
Eigen::Matrix<typename Vector_TypeA::Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> math_utils::boxMinus ( const Vector_TypeA &  _a,
const Vector_TypeB &  _b 

The boxMinus function calculates the box-minus operation between two vectors of equal size.

[in]_aLHS vector.
[in]_bRHS vector.
Returns the box-minus operation between the two vectors.

Definition at line 180 of file linalg_utils.h.

Variable Documentation


constexpr double math_utils::TWO_PI = boost::math::constants::two_pi<double>()

Define 2PI.

Definition at line 38 of file angle_utils.h.


constexpr double math_utils::FOUR_THIRDS_PI = boost::math::constants::four_thirds_pi<double>()

Define 4PI/3.

Definition at line 41 of file angle_utils.h.

◆ PI

constexpr double math_utils::PI = boost::math::constants::pi<double>()

Define PI.

Definition at line 44 of file angle_utils.h.


constexpr double math_utils::THREE_QUARTERS_PI = boost::math::constants::three_quarters_pi<double>()

Define 3PI/4.

Definition at line 47 of file angle_utils.h.


constexpr double math_utils::TWO_THIRDS_PI = boost::math::constants::two_thirds_pi<double>()

Define 2PI/3.

Definition at line 50 of file angle_utils.h.


constexpr double math_utils::HALF_PI = boost::math::constants::half_pi<double>()

Define PI/2.

Definition at line 53 of file angle_utils.h.


constexpr double math_utils::THIRD_PI = boost::math::constants::third_pi<double>()

Define PI/3.

Definition at line 56 of file angle_utils.h.


constexpr double math_utils::SIXTH_PI = boost::math::constants::sixth_pi<double>()

Define PI/6.

Definition at line 59 of file angle_utils.h.


constexpr double math_utils::ONE_DIV_TWO_PI = boost::math::constants::one_div_two_pi<double>()

Define 1/2PI.

Definition at line 62 of file angle_utils.h.


constexpr double math_utils::INF = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()

Define infinity.

Definition at line 33 of file const_utils.h.